The Triple Bottom Line at A1DB and Why it Matters


There’s a lot going on in the world right now . . . Markets fall, then rise again. Interest rates grab the headlines. Inflation? Oh, heck yes, it’s real. 

But as a small business, A1DesignBuild can’t control all that. What we can control is the way we work with people, how we impact the world around us, and how we strive for financial health in the process. 

Some people call this the Triple Bottom Line. It’s a spreadsheet that takes into account:

  • People

  • Planet

  • Profits

It’s an old way of doing things, but what’s old is new again. It’s a belief that if we take care of the first two, the third will follow. As a co-op, it’s an opportunity to make sure all our people are working together towards common goals.


The people part of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is about how a company treats its employees, customers, and suppliers. Are the employees happy with their jobs? Do the customers like the products and services? Are the suppliers treated fairly? Companies that care about their people often have better employee morale, lower turnover rates, and stronger customer relationships. And we all just may carry a hammer or design a space with a little more pride. 


The planet part of TBL is about how a company impacts the environment. Do we create a lot of waste or waste a lot of energy? Do we pollute the air or water? Are we conscious about using sustainable, green materials in all our buildings?

The short answer is yes. Our dedication to Whatcom Million Trees is one example of this. But we are also very cognizant of the fact that no business is impact-free. Net Zero, though a fantastic goal, is often oversold - and we still have some work to do. We’re continually looking for new innovations, materials, and approaches that minimize the footprint we leave behind. 


We won’t lie. We like our profits. Profits allow us to do our nonprofit work, experiment with new business and construction ideas, repair kid’s bikes for free, and have a espresso machine in our office so we can make you a nice drink when you come in. Most importantly, it spins back off into the ‘People’ category above, making sure we take care of those who take care of us. 

How TBL Helps Everyone

If you have a business, it’s our strong belief you should embrace TBL. Even as individuals, we have a responsibility to contribute to others, the planet, and the financial well being of our community as a whole. We are obligated to produce more goodness than we consume. 

By focusing on people, planet, and profits, companies can create long-term value for everyone involved. But we’re still learning, and if you have any good ideas on the subject, please let us know. It’s one thing we love to talk about.
