We are a worker-owned cooperative.
A1DesignBuild is equally owned and democratically governed by the people who work here. Worker-owners also share equally in the profit of the company. When we converted our business model in 2017 , we started with five worker-owners; ownership is available to all employees as they meet eligibility requirements. We shifted to this business model because we recognize that when all workers are invested in our success, it’s not just better for A1, it’s better for everyone. Workers share a voice in the company, gain stability and a chance to build equity. With everyone thinking like owners, a more sustainable and resilient business emerges.
The documents below are the outcome of nearly 10 years of collective work. They form the core of how our coop operates and support the members to be accountable to each other and to the coop as a whole. If you are in the process of starting your own worker’s coop/collective, we hope these documents will help make that a smooth and successful process.
We are happy to support fellow coops. If you have questions or would like to discuss your coop further, please feel free to contact us via our contact page.
Articles of Incorporation
Board Officer, Committee, and Governance Policy
Employee Compensation
Employee Operating Policies
Corporate By-Laws
Member Training Manual
Coop Values Statement
Want to learn how you can become a co-op? Contact us below.