A1DesignBuild is a designer and builder of homes in Bellingham and Whatcom County, Washington. We specialize in everything from home remodels to complete high performance home builds, and our over 70 years of providing excellent service to the community assures that your home project gets done right - each and every time.

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High-Performance Home Check List

We’ve put together this list so you can enter any high performance build or remodel with knowledge on your side. With this list in your hip pocket, you won’t be swayed by fancy language or expenses you don’t need to incur.

Here’s the list:

  • Optimized Site Design

    • Leverages natural features for solar energy generation and passive heating/cooling.

    • Takes advantage of landscape for windbreaks, shade, onsite water management, and aesthetic appeal.

  • Efficient Energy Generation & Use

    • On-site renewable energy with battery storage options.

    • High-performance appliances, heat pump systems, and LED lighting to minimize energy consumption and are compatible with the on-site renewable energy source.

  • Smart Home Integration

    • Automated energy management, climate control, and security systems.

    • Remote monitoring for energy efficiency, air quality, and home maintenance.

    • Examples include:

      • Moisture monitoring at household plumbing fixtures and pumps.

      • Air quality monitors for humidity, VOC, particulate matter, temperature, and carbon monoxide levels.

      • Energy measuring of solar generation, battery storage, and subsequent use at the electric panel.

  • Superior Building Envelope

    • High-performance thermal control through insulation and airtight construction to regulate temperature and prevent energy loss.

    • Integrated air, water, and vapor barriers to protect from environmental infiltration.

  • Advanced HVAC & Air Quality Control

    • Energy-efficient heating, cooling, and ventilation systems (e.g., heat pumps, HRVs/ERVs).

    • Built-in air filtration to reduce toxins, smoke, and allergens, ensuring healthy indoor air.

  • Moisture Management & Durability

    • Proper sealing and drainage systems to prevent mold, rot, and water damage.

    • Smart material selection (e.g., SIGA products, permeable and impermeable vapor controls).

  • Natural Light & Connection to the Exterior

    • Large, strategically placed fixed and operable windows to reduce artificial lighting, provide season-appropriate fresh air, and insect screening.

    • Windows that visually connect with optimal exterior features.

    • Sightline considerations when seated or standing.

  • Functional, Low-Maintenance Design

    • Simple, elegant architecture with fewer complex features to reduce build and maintenance costs.

    • Smart rooflines, limited external attachments, and easy-to-clean surfaces.

  • Universal & Multi-Generational Accessibility

    • Aging-in-place and universal design features.

    • Safe and adaptable for all ages, abilities, and family structures, including pets.

    • Examples include:

      • Wide doorways and hallways.

      • No-step entries.

      • Grab bars and non-slip walking surfaces.

      • Ergonomically optimized cabinets and storage.

      • Visual cues to aid universal design using color differences.

A1DesignBuild - builder and remodeler of high performance homes in Bellingham, WA

A1DesignBuild - builder and remodeler of high performance homes in Bellingham, WA

  • Sustainable Material Use

    • Eco-friendly, durable, and ethically sourced materials with low environmental impact.

    • Prioritizes products safe for workers, installers, and occupants that are locally sourced when possible.

    • Non-toxic, low-VOC, natural interior finishes.

    • Natural products include wood, ceramic, glass, plaster, linoleum, and cork.

    • Verifiable supply chain.

Also, a very good measure of a high performance home is something that actually brings you JOY. All the lists in the world won’t help if that’s not a main priority. So make it a priority.