Embracing the Old and the New

Or: Why You Should Leave Us a Google Review

We’re pretty analog over here at A1DesignBuild. We like to build things that exist out in the real world. Like chairs and tables and benches. Like ADU’s and tiny homes. Like high performance houses that are super efficient and super nice to live in. Things you can touch and feel and experience. Things that we hope you’ll love.

But we also put a high value in helping our community - the same community that has embraced us since 1955 here in Bellingham and Whatcom County. That’s why we started our non-profit A1andAll, which has helped numerous other local nonprofits. What’s one easy way you can help with this?

If you’re a past customer, you can leave us a simple Google Review.

The fact of the matter is, Google Reviews can really make a difference. The more reviews we get, the easier it is for other people to find us online and do business with us. Which in turn funds many of the community efforts we engage in.

In the age of the algorithm, we are more and more dependent on Google Reviews than ever. So if you are so inclined, you can leave a review here:


Or use your phone to scan the QR code below. Thank you - together we really can make a difference.

Or, why you should leave a Google Review for one of the premiere home designers and builders in Bellingham, WA.

Scan This - And see the BONUS below!


Bonus: once you post your review, just shoot us a little email (patrick@a1designbuild.coop) and we will send you an A1DesignBuild digital trading card good for a free coffee at the illustrious Makeworth here in town. Sound good?

Thanks for considering this. It really helps us out. Salud!
